About the CAAP Implementation Stakeholder Advisory Group
Up to four CAAP stakeholder advisory meetings a year were called for as part of the Clean Air Action Plan Update approved by the Long Beach and Los Angeles Boards of Harbor Commissioners on Nov. 2, 2017. The purpose of the CAAP Advisory Group is to keep the public informed on progress and priorities for development of programs as guided by the CAAP. Participants will provide input and advice to Port staff on development of implementation details for various CAAP strategies.
Meeting agendas, presentations, and summaries are provided below.
July 30 Meeting
March 18 Meeting
Nov. 8 Meeting
July 25 Meeting
March 8 Meeting
Oct. 12 Meeting
June 1 Meeting
Feb. 1 Meeting
Oct. 19 Meeting
Sept. 1 Clean Truck Fund Rate Workshop #2
Aug. 26 Clean Truck Fund Rate Workshop #1
Jan. 27 Meeting
Oct. 14 Meeting
June 24 Meeting
Jan. 15 Meeting
Oct. 3 Meeting
June 25 Meeting
March 13 Meeting
Dec. 19 Meeting
Sept. 26 Meeting
June 26 Meeting
March 29 Meeting